October 10 (date change to 11/07) - Indian Street Food with Cowboys and Turbans
Join us for a delicious sampling of Indian Street Food by Cowboys and Turbans. The tasting menu will include everything from fish tacos to apple spice samosas to even a masala hot dog. This is one meal not to be missed! Click Here to RSVP!

If you love hot dogs, than get ready for them, Japanese-style. Forget about mustard and relish. These unique dogs are going to have toppings like Yakisoba Noodles, Wasabi Mayo, Red Ginger and more. You'll never look at a hot dog the same way again! Click Here to RSVP!
October 18 - Hands On 101 Spices 101 Indian Cooking Class and Lunch
For many, the most confusing aspect of Indian cooking is how to utilize the spices or even what spices to use. This class will demystify popular Indian spices and show you how to use them in Indian dishes or how to vary your own repertoire with a dash of cumin or a hint of asafetida. Learn the flavorful, nutritive and preservative uses of spices in Indian recipes from beverages and condiments to desserts. Afterwards, students will sit down to a delicious lunch. Click Here to RSVP!
Pleasure Palate is definitely a fun group of and for like-minded food lovers, so I hope that some of you will come and join us for all our delicious happenings!
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